All good points, Anders, and well written, as usual.

I would add that there's also an important moral consideration. Readers who question the morality of immigration should consider the Declaration of Independence -- the moral backbone of our republic! Among the Truths identified therein by Thomas Jefferson are the facts that "all men are created equal," and that, by virtue of being human beings, they possess inalienable rights, including (but not limited to) life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

These rights don't merely apply to those of us lucky enough to have been born within the confines of US borders -- they apply to all human beings. Anyone who wishes to immigrate here and live a peaceful, productive life should not be prevented from doing so. (Criminals should be dealt with by the police and courts, whether they're US citizens or not.)

To Americans who claim they have the right to prevent outsiders or aliens from coming to "our country" I would say: Where does your "right of prevention" come from? If you own property, you have every right to say who you do or don't allow to enter your property. But you don't own the United States of America. You have no right to post No Trespassing signs on land you don't own.

Not if you're a private citizen, and not if you're US President.

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Yes, Anders, your observations and recommendations are likely to not be "heard" or to fall on ears that have become deafened by politics.

This expected "program" of the Trump administration has all the makings of an unmitigated disaster! Not just with respect to the concept of "Justice" but politically as well! Can you not imagine the "scenes" to be played out as the "stampede," round-up. corralling, and loading into "transports," of the various "herds" unfold?

I can only hope that somehow, someone, in some rational manner, gets Trump's ear and assures "the process" is confined to actual criminals! Alas, I fear that will not be the case and the results will be fearsome and "featured" via endless videos of endless examples of women and children suffering enforced.......?

Then, of course, those who wish to censor such scenes will urge that they be prevented from being shown on TV..........

While Trump is not likely to appreciate the significance of "mass deportation," perhaps there are those with whom he has surrounded himself who do? If not, whatever else he may do to reverse what has previously occurred will be more than offset by the terrible consequences of his "restoring the border" program!

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Speaking as someone who was lucky enough to be born in Colorado and smart enough to realize it was one of the best places on Earth, so I stayed here (and in Arizona), I can honestly say that all the best Americans I have met were born in other countries. I think it is because they have seen that life isn't quite so wonderful in other places, and that they have worked so hard and have taken significant risks to move here. They understand, unlike most native born Americans, just how precious our system of government is and how quickly this wonderful place can turn sour if that government is undone. So, I am a huge advocate of bringing in/allowing in as many of these great people who truly want to come here for the freedom and the opportunity as possible because they can only strengthen this greatest place on Earth more.

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